15 datasets found

Keywords: Language typology

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  • The Typological Database System (TDS) Curator documentation

    The Typological Database System (TDS) is a web-based service that provides integrated access to a collection of independently created typological databases. It was developed...
  • Typological Database of Intensifiers and Reflexives

    The Typological Database of Intensifiers and Reflexives (TDIR) provides information on intensifiers and reflexives as well as on some related domains of grammar such as the...
  • Typological Database Amsterdam

    The Typological Database Amsterdam (TDA) focuses on the basic word order and constituent order systems of various languages. Information classifying the parts-of-speech system...
  • Smith's Phoneme INventories

    Smith's Phoneme INventory is a collection of phoneme inventories and lexical tones in 111 languages. Digitized by the TDS project.
  • Topic Focus Database

    The Topic-Focus Database gives information about the ways in which languages give formal expression to information-structural categories such as Topic, Focus and Contrast, and...
  • World Color Survey (summary)

    Mapping of color categories onto basic color terms.
  • Free Personal Pronoun System

    The FPPS is the web interface for the database of free personal pronoun systems.
  • Stress Typology Database

    The Stress Typology Database (StressTyp) contains information on the metrical (stress) systems of 500 languages, based on grammars and theoretical works. Notions covered include...
  • Anaphora Typology Database

    The Anaphora Typology project (Utrecht University) is surveying the binding properties of reflexives and reciprocals, referred to collectively as 'local coreference strategies'....
  • Typological Database System (TDS): initial code

    The Typological Database System (TDS) is a web-based service that provides integrated access to a collection of independently created typological databases. It was developed...
  • UCLA Phonological Segment Inventory Database

    The UCLA Phonological Segment Inventory Database (UPSID) is a collection of phoneme inventories from 451 languages. Features such as manner, place, length, phonation type and...
  • Person Agreement Database

    The Person Agreement Database (PAD) contains analytical (language-level) data for over 400 languages of the world on person agreement and some related areas such as word order....
  • Graz Database on Reduplication

    The Graz Database on Reduplication provides access to data on reduplication in the world's languages. The collected examples are described phonologically, morphologically and...
  • Typological Database Nijmegen

    The Typological Database Nijmegen (TDN) contains analytical (language level) information on a variety of topics, including: basic word order, intransitive predication, case...
  • Syllable Typology Database

    The Syllable Typology Database (SylTyp) contains information on syllable structures. Restrictions and rules concerning possible syllabic structures are provided, as well as...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).