Occurrence of macrobenthic organisms collected from van Veen grab samples tak...
This dataset is a component of the PAN-Arctic data collection of benthic BIOtas (PANABIO). It contains a total of 3,277 presence records of 627 macrobenthic taxa (species to... -
Composition of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in Central Arctic surfac...
The data set comprised the dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total dissolved nitrogen (TDN), DOC/TDN and the specific ultraviolet absorbance (SUVA254) for MOSAiC expedition, and... -
Underway physical oceanography and carbon dioxide measurements during Lance c...
Cruise QC flag: E (see further details). -
Chlorophyll a measured on water bottle samples during cruise Lance 21-2001
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Chlorophyll a measured on water bottle samples during Lance cruise LA00
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(Table 3) Number and mean caliper diameter of ikaite crystals sampled during ...
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(Table 2) Temperature and salinity of sampled snow, sea ice and slush/brine d...
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(Table 1) Air temperature, snow and slush depths and sea ice thickness during...
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Diol Saturation Index, Diol Chain Length Index and Upwelling Index in marine ...
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(Table A1) Long chain diol distributions in surface sediments
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Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples during LANCE cruise LA97/2
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OHGDGT global surface sediment data
Here, we compile an extensive global surface sediment dataset of OH-isoGDGTs as well as regular isoprenoid GDGTs (isoGDGTs), with both data generated at NIOZ and previously... -
Concentrations of exported organic matter during research project N-ICE2015 n...
Vertical export fluxes of particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PON), chlorophyll a and phaeopigments from sediment trap sampling in the Artic Ocean north of Svalbard,... -
Eddy kinetic energy in the Arctic Ocean from moored velocity observations
Mesoscale eddies are important for many aspects of the dynamics of the Arctic Ocean. These include the maintenance of the halocline and the Atlantic Water boundary current... -
SOCATv2019 metadata list with links to data in original SOCAT format and crui...
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Global temperature calibration of the Long chain Diol Index in marine surface...
0 = coel.; *0 = not available.Note 1: If there was no salinity data (WOA13) available for a certain core-top location, and there was also no LDI or C32 1,15-diol fractional... -
Multi-scale data on macrobenthic biodiversity and environmental variables alo...
Within the project The Changing Arctic Transpolar System (CATS) we compiled macrobenthic community data from previously conducted ship expeditions into the Arctic Ocean. These... -
Physical oceanography and current meter data from moorings F1-F14 and F15/F16...
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SOCAT V6 metadata list with links to data in original SOCAT format and cruise...
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