Probing perfume surface delivery / retention rates in-situ
This proposal is part of a funded (CASE) project, aimed at understanding the delivery of benefit actives (perfumes) to interfaces and the development of new self-assembled... -
How perfume structure affects surface coadsorption with anionic surfactants
In a recent EPSRC / Unilever / Oxford CASE project we have used NR to explore and develop optimised delivery mechanism for active benefit agents such as perfumes. In particular... -
Understanding the nature of perfume / surfactant interactions at interfaces
This proposal is part of a funded (CASE) project, aimed at understanding the delivery of benefit actives (perfumes) to interfaces and the development of new self-assembled... -
Using polymer / surfactant mixtures to optimise / enhance perfume delivery to...
This proposal is part of a funded (CASE) project, aimed at understanding the delivery of benefit actives (perfumes) to interfaces and the development of new self-assembled... -
Probing the dynamics of silica supported imidazolium halide catalysts for car...
Atmospheric levels of CO2 are increasing at uncontrolled levels and as such methods of CO2 utilisation are being researched. A key reaction for this purpose is the coupling of... -
Evolution of complex surface structures in LAS / nonionic surfactant mixtures
This proposal is part of a broad programme of collaborative research between RAL / Oxford and Unilever, using predominantly scattering techniques to investigate the nature of... -
Interfacial / surface retention / delivery of perfumes from different surface...
This proposal is part of a funded (CASE) project, aimed at understanding the delivery of benefit actives (perfumes) to interfaces and the development of new self-assembled... -
Short peptide self-assembly and pesticide solubilisation in binary surfactant...
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Homogeneous nucleation in phosphate-based glassy precursors to fast-ion condu...
The structure of the phosphate materials Na_{1+x}Ge_{2-x}Al_x(PO_4)_3 with x = 0, 0.4 and 0.8 will be investigated using high real-space resolution neutron diffraction. In the...