Sinuiksi-palvelun kysymykset ja asiantuntijavastaukset 2014-2015
Aineisto koostuu seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöille suunnattuun Sinuiksi tuki- ja neuvontapalveluun lähetetyistä kysymyksistä ja näihin saaduista asiantuntijavastauksista.... -
Discounting Extreme Positions: Normalization and Support for the Far Right Su...
When are far right parties punished for their extreme positions? This dataset explores whether punishments of counter-normative position-taking are conditional on the degree to... -
Young People Interviews, Foster Carer Interviews, Focus Group, and Survey Dat...
The study uses a mixed methods, layered design: 1. In-depth narrative interviews with a sample of 46 LGBT young people, from across England, aged 16-26 who are currently or were... -
The Concise National Health Service Human Resources and Equality Diversity Su...
This research aims to offer better understanding of how lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT plus) employee networks are run and what they can do to improve... -
LGBT+ Networks, 2017-2020
The LGBT+ Networks data consists of 9 case studies of LGBT+ employee networks in the NHS (located in England, Scotland and Wales) and 118 short video clips from LGBT+ people and... -
New and Expectant Parents' Experiences during the First UK Lockdown, 2020
This collection contains the documentation and raw anonymised data from 1,754 parents whose babies were born/due to be born during the first three months of the UK lockdown....