Not-anesthetized ephys data associated with the paper *Resolving and rescuing...
Electrophysiological recordings from prefrontal cortex of 60 not-anesthetized postnatal day 4-10 mice: - 13 P4-6 control mice - 13 P4-6 dual-hit GE mice - 16 P8-10 control mice... -
Audiovisual integration in anesthetized ferret - ECoG data.
Epicortical LFP data of auditory and visual responses in anesthetized ferrets (isoflurane) were recorded with a custom ECoG array of 64 electrodes at the Institute of... -
Characterisation of the lithium-ion cell cathode material lithium iron phosph...
With the decreasing cost of energy generation by renewable sources, energy storage is becoming increasingly critical to energy security across the globe. Lithium iron phosphate... -
In-situ Neutron Diffraction Studies of Lithium Battery Materials
This proposal seeks to test a new battery designed to allow in situ neutron diffraction measurements of lithium ion battery electrodes under charge and discharge. We have... -
In-situ Neutron Diffraction Studies of Lithium Battery Materials
This proposal seeks to test a new battery designed to allow in situ neutron diffraction measurements of lithium ion battery electrodes under charge and discharge. We have...