Academic Careers in Prussia and in Germany 1850 to 1945
Under the title “Data Handbook of Academic Careers between 1850-1945”, this study aims at the publication and analysis of data concerning the individual steps of six great... -
Academic Profession in Knowledge Societies (APIKS)
The German part of the project ´Academic Profession in Knowledge Societies (APIKS)´ is part of an international comparative study of working conditions in science and the... -
Computer Science (1970-2014)
DBLP (https://dblp.org/) is a comprehensive collection of computer science publications from major and minor journals and conference proceedings. From this dump, we remove arXiv... -
Expansion of education in the Federal Republic of Germany and the access to t...
Soziale Herkunft von Promovierten und Zugang zu Führungspositionen. Inhaltsanalyse der in den Dissertationen enthaltenen Lebensläufe bezüglich sozialer Herkunft und...