Ionic composition of Batagay ice wedges, North Yakutia, Russia
Ionic omposition of ice wedges from the Batagay megaslump, 10 km to south east from Batagay settlement in the Verkhoyansky District of the Yakutia (Sakha) Republic, Russia.... -
Chloride and sulfate ions in massive ice and its potential water sources (Nor...
Lenses of massive ground ice and cryopegs were found at different levels in Holocene deposits in the northeastern Yamal Peninsula. Massive ice, 7 to 9 m thick, occurs at the... -
Ion concentration of Holocene and Late Pleistocene ice wedges in the yedoma o...
The subject of the study are Late Pleistocene and Holocene ice wedges exposed near Chersky settlement, lower Kolyma River, and in the yedoma of the Stanchikovsky Yar on the Maly...