Ecological and phenotypic trait dataset for 12 European forest tree species f...
GenTree is a European Union project financed under the Horizon 2020 framework (2016-2020). The goal of GenTree was to improve the status and use of European in-situ and ex-situ... -
Phenotypic trait dataset of Pinus pinea from five common gardens of the INRAE...
Données sur les traits phénotypiques de Pinus pinea mesurés dans les jardins communs du réseau INRAE de génétique forestière pour la recherche et l'expérimentation (GEN4X). Ce... -
SEASON : System for Evaluation of Agriculture faiSability using indicatOrs co...
SEASON (System for Evaluation of Agriculture faiSability using indicatOrs combiNation) est une chaîne de calculs d'indicateurs agro-climatiques et éco-climatiques utilisant des... -
FRIM - Fruit Integrative Modelling
The project aimed to build a virtual tomato fruit that enables the prediction of metabolite levels given genetic and environmental inputs, by an iterative process between... -
Loterre and TermSciences portal FAIRness Assessment SHARC survey
Le dataset contient 2 instantiations de la grille V1.2 de FAIRness Assessment proposée par le WG SHARC de la Research Data Alliance. La grille est appliquée aux portails de... -
Thésaurus INRAE
Open and shared thesaurus covering INRAE's research fields. It serves as a repository within the institute to index and annotate documents, web pages, activity descriptions and... -
Capex ontology
In many agri-food chains, the food quality is often managed using the know-how based on the experience. The global quality enhancement may come from the sharing of the... -
Plant Bioinformatics Facility (PlantBioinfoPF) data management plan
Data management plan of the Plant Bioinformatics Facility (PlantBioinfoPF), hosted at URGI. Copyrights: The creator(s) of this plan accept(s) that all or part of the text may be... -
Modèle de métadonnées LovInra
Métadonnées recommandées pour la description des ressources sémantiques déposées dans l'espace LovInra de Data Inra. Ces métadonnées sont interopérables avec celles... -
Preferences and justifications of NoAW stakeholders about the importance on L...
A survey was conducted on LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) impact categories where NoAW stakeholders expressed their preferences and justifications about the importance (represented as... -
Datasets associated with innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste int...
Bearing in mind the terms of the H2020 Horizon NoAW project, based on the near zero-waste society and the promotion of circular economy in agro-waste management, one of the... -
Annotation data about Multi Criteria Assessment Methods used in Applied Mathe...
This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment Methods proposed in the scientific literature by INRA researchers belonging to the Science... -
Software Architecture of the OLA Observatory Information System for Lake Envi...
OLA Information system (©SOERE OLA-IS, AnaEE-France, INRA Thonon-les-Bains, developed by Eco-Informatics ORE INRA Team) has been developed to meet data management needs of lake... -
PGD Unité Expérimentale Arboricole
Ce dataset contient le PGD de l'Unité Expérimentale Arboricole -
One of the central deliverables of the CIRCASA project is the Open Collaborative Platform (OCP) on global soil organic carbon. This free public platform supports CIRCASA... -
Plan de gestion des données de l'Unité Expérimentale Forêt Pierroton (PGD UEFP)
Plan de gestion des données de l'Unité Expérimentale Forêt Pierroton (PGD UEFP) L'UEFP est une unité expérimentale de l’Institut National de la Recherche pour l'Agriculture... -
Software architecture for environnemental research observatories information ...
Information systems have been developed to meet data management needs of environmental research observatories in order to make data available for scientific communities.... -
OLA's Database Datatypes modeling diagrams
The OLA database contains data collected on 4 peri-alpine lakes (Lakes Aiguebelette, Annecy, Bourget, Geneva/Léman) and 24 high-altitude lakes of the northen French Alps and... -
Scripts and data of the genetic analysis of Syrah x Grenache progeny
R-scripts and data associated with the publication "Harnessing multivariate, penalized regression methods for genomic prediction and QTL detection of drought-related traits in... -
Ajout d'un dataverse
Logigramme et document expliquant la marche à suivre pour ajouter un dataverse dans les entrepôts institutionnels (IRD, INRAE et CIRAD)