Befragung zur aktuellen Mentalität der Schweizer Bevölkerung - 2014
Auf Einladung des Festival de la Cité Lausanne entwickelte Com&Com (Gossolt/Hedinger) die soziokulturelle Aktion «Point de Suisse», in deren Zentrum eine Volksbefragung... -
Befragung von SchweizerInnen über ihre Wünsche - 2002
Zur Begleitung und Ergänzung des künstlerischen und somit qualitativ ausgerichteten Ausstellungsprojektes sWISH* auf der Bieler Arteplage der Expo.02 wurde seitens der Sponsoren... -
Dialektloyalität und Dialektwechsel von Oberwalliser BinnenmigrantInnen in de...
The situation in the German-speaking part of Switzerland is known as "medial diglossia". In spoken language, different alemannic dialects are used, while Standard High German is... -
MOSAiCH: Enquête sur le sens du travail et la citoyenneté - 2015
Seit 2005 mit dem Namen MOSAiCH getauft, führt dieses Projekt jedes zweite Jahr die International Social Survey Program (ISSP) und Eurobarometer in der Schweiz Erhebungen durch.... -
Intégration en Suisse des jeunes adultes issus de la migration espagnole et i...
La recherche a pour thème les modes d'insertion des adultes de la "deuxième génération", âgés de 20 à 35 ans, dans la société suisse, ainsi que la manière dont les intéressés... -
MOSAiCH: Enquête sur la famille et le changement des rôles homme-femme, l'ide...
MOSAiCH stands for “Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland” and is a survey conducted under this name since 2005. It integrates several international... -
Intégration en Suisse des jeunes adultes issus de la migration espagnole et i...
La recherche a pour thème les modes d'insertion des adultes de la "deuxième génération", âgés de 20 à 35 ans, dans la société suisse, ainsi que la manière dont les intéressés... -
DISINTEGRATION: Swiss Panel Survey: Public opinion on Switzerland’s relations...
In the past few years, there has been a growing popular backlash against international institutions. Examples include the 2015 Greek bailout referendum, the 2016 Brexit... -
MOSAiCH 2023. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland....
MOSAiCH is a cross-sectional survey that focuses on the Swiss population’s values and attitudes towards a wide range of social issues. The thematic focus of the 2023 edition... -
DISINTEGRATION: Tracking Europeans' opinions of Brexit and the EU: An EU-wide...
In the past few years, there has been a growing popular backlash against international institutions. Examples include the 2015 Greek bailout referendum, the 2016 Brexit... -
DISINTEGRATION: Nationalist Party Discourse
In the past few years, there has been a growing popular backlash against international institutions. Examples include the 2015 Greek bailout referendum, the 2016 Brexit... -
DISINTEGRATION: Tracking Europeans' opinions of Brexit and the EU: An EU-wide...
In the past few years, there has been a growing popular backlash against international institutions. Examples include the 2015 Greek bailout referendum, the 2016 Brexit... -
DISINTEGRATION: Swiss Panel Survey: Public opinion on Switzerland’s relations...
In the past few years, there has been a growing popular backlash against international institutions. Examples include the 2015 Greek bailout referendum, the 2016 Brexit... -
MOSAiCH 2023. Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland....
MOSAiCH is a cross-sectional survey that focuses on the Swiss population’s values and attitudes towards a wide range of social issues. The thematic focus of the 2023 edition... -
Questionnaires de l'enquête "Un jour en Suisse" - 1962
In 1962, the working group responsible for the "Voie Suisse" at the 1964 National Expo commissioned a survey entitled "A Day in Switzerland". It was carried out by a group... -
Befragung von SchweizerInnen über ihre Wünsche - 2002
Zur Begleitung und Ergänzung des künstlerischen und somit qualitativ ausgerichteten Ausstellungsprojektes sWISH* auf der Bieler Arteplage der Expo.02 wurde seitens der Sponsoren... -
Intégration en Suisse des jeunes adultes issus de la migration espagnole et i...
The research focuses on the ways in which Swiss "second generation" adults between the ages of 20 and 35 are integrated into society, as well as how they experience their... -
Dialektloyalität und Dialektwechsel von Oberwalliser BinnenmigrantInnen in de...
The situation in the German-speaking part of Switzerland is known as "medial diglossia". In spoken language, different alemannic dialects are used, while Standard High German is... -
MOSAiCH: Enquête sur la religion, les inégalités sociales et la citoyenneté -...
L'enquête MOSAiCH-ISSP est le projet au sein duquel est actuellement mis en oeuvre l'International Social Survey Program (ISSP). Née il y a déjà plus de vingt ans, l'ISSP est... -
MOSAiCH: Enquête sur la famille et le changement des rôles homme-femme, l'ide...
MOSAiCH stands for “Measurement and Observation of Social Attitudes in Switzerland” and is a survey conducted under this name since 2005. It integrates several international...