Figures perspective urban beekeeping
Data and code from the perspective paper "When honeybees comes to town" The .r file provides the code to generate the figures. In addition, this repository contains the data... -
Carabid beetles in forests
Carabidae data from all historic up to the recent projects (21.10.2019) of WSL, collected with various methods in forests of different types. Version 2 ('FIDO_global_extract... -
Pollination experiment: insect traits
Understanding the interplay of local and landscape-scale drivers of plant-pollinator interactions is crucial to maintaining pollination services in urban environments. The data... -
Pine insects along elevational gradients
The colonization of cut pine stems by wood-inhabiting insects was investigated at various elevations. The study sites were located in the regions of Aosta Valley (Italy), Valais... -
Mean insect occupancy 1970–2020
This dataset contains all data, on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: Neff, F., Korner-Nievergelt, F., Rey, E., Albrecht, M., Bollmann, K.,... -
Ecological properties of urban ecosystems. Biodiversity dataset of Zurich
Richness, site occurrence and abundance data of bees, beetles, birds, hoverflies, net-wingeds, true bugs, snails, spiders, milipides, wasps collected in the city of Zurich using... -
Dynamics of insect natural enemies of bark beetles
In 1994 a large area of mountain spruce forest was infested by the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) in the Gandberg forest near Schwanden, canton Glarus,... -
Grassland restoration: insects and insect traits
This dataset contains all data, on which the following publication below is based. Paper Citation: Neff, F., Resch, M. C., Marty, A., Rolley, J. D., Schütz, M., Risch, A. C,... -
Investigating Children’s Attitudes and Learning About Soil Invertebrates, 202...
Soil invertebrates play a central role in terrestrial ecosystem functioning but public awareness about the importance of soil invertebrates is low and they are neglected in... -
Linking Evidence and Policy for Managing Biodiversity in the Agricultural Lan...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The study is part of the Rural Economy and Land Use (RELU) programme. This project developed and tested...