Seawater carbonate chemistry dataset collected during the Tara Pacific Expedi...
The Tara Pacific expedition (2016-2018) sampled coral ecosystems around 32 islands in the Pacific Ocean, and sampled the surface of oceanic waters at 249 locations, resulting in... -
(Table 1 + Table 2) Time series of seawater carbonate chemistry calculated th...
Two incubations were conducted to estimate consequences of different temperature and CO2 conditions on juvenile Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua).... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification, respiration, and photosynthes...
Larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) are unicellular eukaryotic calcifying organisms and an important component of tropical and subtropical modern and ancient oceanic ecosystems.... -
Discrete carbonate chemistry measured during the M87/1 cruise in April 2012
The track of the cruise, and the location of the different stations cover a large range of water masses, many of which take part in the exchange across the Greenland-Scotland... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and population structure of Ervilia castanea (Mo...
Sites with naturally high CO2 conditions provide unique opportunities to forecast the vulnerability of coastal ecosystems to ocean acidification, by studying the biological... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth and survival of native and commercial...
The effects of climate change, including ocean acidification and ocean heatwaves, on biological communities in estuaries are often uncertain. Part of the uncertainty is due to... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and growth of four North Atlantic bivalves
Coastal ecosystems can experience acidification via upwelling, eutrophication, riverine discharge, and climate change. While the resulting increases in pCO2 can have deleterious... -
Calcification of the Arctic coralline red algae Lithothamnion glaciale in res...
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations could cause a calcium carbonate subsaturation of Arctic surface waters in the next 20 yr, making these waters corrosive for calcareous... -
Carbonate system calculations of sediment core SBB2012DB from the Santa Barba...
These data are in association with a study conducted in the Santa Barbara Basin, California, USA that were used to develop a 20th century record of ocean acidification in the...