Zooplankton biovolume from ROV net samples during the MOSAiC expedition (PS12...
Biovolume (mm3 m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated as described in Cornils et al. (2022) from samples of Polarstern cruise PS122 (MOSAiC). Samples were taken with the ROV... -
Zooplankton abundance from ROV net samples during the MOSAiC expedition (PS12...
Abundance (ind. m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated from samples of Polarstern cruise PS122 (MOSAiC). Samples were taken with the ROV net (Katlein et al. 2017, Wollenburg et... -
Zooplankton biovolume from Ring net samples during the MOSAiC expedition (PS1...
Biovolume (mm3 m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated as described in Cornils et al. (2022) from samples of Polarstern cruise PS122 (MOSAiC). Samples were taken with a Ring net... -
Zooplankton abundance from Ring net samples during the MOSAiC expedition (PS1...
Abundance (ind. m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated from samples of Polarstern cruise PS122 (MOSAiC). Samples were taken with a Ring net with an opening area of 0.79 m2 and... -
Biovolume of zooplankton from ZooScan analyses during POLARSTERN cruise PS78 ...
Biovolume (mm3 m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated from samples of Polarstern cruise PS78 (ARK-XXVI/1) on a transect across Fram Strait. Samples were taken with the Multinet... -
Estimated dry mass based on length-mass relationships of zooplankton during P...
Biomass (mg dry mass m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated from samples of Polarstern cruise PS78 (ARK-XXVI/1) on a transect across Fram Strait. Individual dry mass was... -
Estimated dry mass converted from biovolume of zooplankton during POLARSTERN ...
Biomass (mg dry mass m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated from samples of Polarstern cruise PS78 (ARK-XXVI/1) on a transect across Fram Strait. Individual dry mass was... -
Abundance of zooplankton from ZooScan analyses during POLARSTERN cruise PS78 ...
Abundance (ind. m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated from samples of Polarstern cruise PS78 (ARK-XXVI/1) on a transect across Fram Strait. Samples were taken with the... -
Abundance of zooplankton from microscopic analyses during POLARSTERN cruise P...
Abundance (ind. m-3) of zooplankton taxa was calculated from samples of Polarstern cruise PS78 (ARK-XXVI/1) on a transect across Fram Strait. Samples were taken with the... -
Mesozooplankton taxon specific biovolume per station from POLARSTERN (ANT-XXX...
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Mesozooplankton taxon specific abundance data per station from POLARSTERN (AN...
This dataset has no description
Zooplankton biovolume of Huinay
This dataset has no description
Zooplankton biomasses of Huinay
This dataset has no description
Zooplankton abundances Huinay
This dataset has no description
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >300 micrometres, collected ...
Tara expeditions sampled the world’s oceans with standardized protocols, putting an exceptional effort into sampling plankton diversity across a large size range, using a... -
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >200 micrometres, collected ...
The Tara Oceans project sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans during a three-year expedition (2009-2013), collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses... -
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >680 micrometres, collected ...
The Tara Oceans project sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans during a three-year expedition (2009-2013), collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses... -
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >680 micrometres, collected ...
The Tara Oceans project sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans during a three-year expedition (2009-2013), collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses... -
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >300 micrometres, collected ...
Tara expeditions (2009-2013) sampled the world’s oceans with standardized protocols, putting an exceptional effort into sampling plankton diversity across a large size range,... -
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >200 micrometres, collected ...
The Tara Oceans project sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans during a three-year expedition (2009-2013), collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses...