Laparoscopy movie of pop-up flaps of de humanis corporis fabrica libri septem...
Imaging under pop-up flaps of De humanis corporis fabrica libri septem by Andreas Vesalius using laparoscopy on 8 Feb 2018. Movie shows a view through the laparoscope, showing... -
Ar_UZ_MA-000060; Working drawings for restoration of fortress gates ‘Palvan D...
Working drawings of a restoration project for Palvan Darvoza fortress gates was developed in Tashkent by Uzbek Scientific-Research Institute of Conservation and Restoration of... -
The medieval cities of Otrar oasis, Kazakhstan: Kuik-Mardan Excavation and fi...
The medieval cities of Otrar oasis, Kazakhstan: Kuik-Mardan Excavation and field season 2018, short preliminary report. Средневековые города Отрарского оазиса, Казахстан:... -
Sokuluk archaeological site in Chuy valley, Kyrgyz Republic / Городище Сокулу...
Sokuluk site (Сокулук; Городище Сокулук) is one of the best-known medieval monuments of Chuy Valley in Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan). It is located around 12 km to the west from... -
Exploring Khorezm - Brochure
Ichan Kala (Itchan Kala, Ичан-Кала, Ichan Qal'a) in Khiva (город Хива, Xiva) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Khorezm region, Uzbekistan, inscribed in 1990. This dataset...