Benthic foraminifera abundance of Hole 42-380
Relative abundance: D = dominant, A = abundant, C = common, F = few, R = rare, T = trace, P = present (numerical values are abundance in percent) -
Recent surface sediment samples of living ostracoda and foraminifera, South A...
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Recent surface sediment samples of ostracoda and foraminifera (>200µm), South...
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Recent surface sediment samples of foraminifera (> 200 µm), South Africa
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Benthic foraminiferal census counts from sediment core MD03-2611 (South Austr...
The data presents benthic foraminiferal census counts from gravity core MD03-2611. The 11.97 m long core MD03-2611 was collected during the AUSCAN cruise in 2003 on-board the... -
Modern analogue foraminiferal census counts of common taxa from shallow water...
Relative abundance of common benthic foraminifera taxa in Recent shallow-marine sediment samples from around New Zealand and their tidal elevation or subtidal depths used in... -
Bottom meio-fauna abundance recorded on the Romanian NW Black Sea Shelf durin...
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