Concentrations and loadings of fatty acids in surface sediments of Helgoland ...
Surface sediment were extracted 4 times by ultrasonication with dichloromethane: methanol (9:1, v/v) for 15 min for FAs and alkanes. For quantification of FAs and alkanes, known... -
Concentrations and loadings of alkanes in surface sediments of Helgoland Mud ...
Surface sediment were extracted 4 times by ultrasonication with dichloromethane: methanol (9:1, v/v) for 15 min for FAs and alkanes. For quantification of FAs and alkanes, known... -
Organic carbon (OC) content, nitrogen content, C/N ratio, carbonate content, ...
The grain size of sediments was determined with a Cilas 1180 laser-diffraction particle analyzer (range 0.04–2500 μm) and the mean grain size was calculated. The surface area... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_67-5
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_98-3
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_69-2
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_6-1
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_97-1
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_41-4
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_45-1
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_1-3
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_12-3
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_9-1
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_70-1
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_48-3
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Oxygen micro profiles of multi-corer sediment core HE595_26-1
This dataset includes onboard measurements of 100 μm vertical resolution oxygen micro-profiles from multi-corer cores retrieved during RV Heincke expeditions HE595 in 2022.... -
Raw data of physical oceanography during RV HEINCKE cruise HE595
Raw physical oceanography data was acquired by a ship-based Seabird SBE911plus CTD-Rosette system onboard RV HEINCKE . The CTD was equipped with duplicate sensors for... -
Pore-water dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and its stable carbon isotopic co...
This dataset includes downcore measurements of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and its stable carbon isotopic composition (δ13C-DIC) for sediment cores retrieved using... -
Solid-phase porosity, grain sizes, TOC, 210Pbxs and 137Cs data for sediment c...
This dataset includes solid-phase porosities, grain sizes (D10, D50 and mud contents), total organic carbon (TOC) contents, 210Pbxs activities and 137Cs activities (both with... -
Continuous thermosalinograph oceanography along RV HEINCKE cruise track HE595
Raw data acquired by a thermosalinograph (SBE21, SeaBird GmbH) on board RV HEINCKE were processed to receive a calibrated and validated data set of seawater temperature and...