Aboveground biomass and species abundances estimated in the Jena-Ecotron expe...
This dataset contains aboveground biomass and species abundances in the Jena-Ecotron Experiment in 2012. This experiment was conducted in the Montpellier European Ecotron (CNRS,... -
Raw plot-wise ground vegetation above-ground biomass at 56 sites in Central a...
Above-ground biomass for ground vegetation is given in g per m² for each taxon and different vegetation types at 56 sites. The vegetation surveys were carried out in four... -
Aggregated ground vegetation above-ground biomass at 56 sites in Central and ...
Aggregated above-ground biomass for ground vegetation is given in g per m² for each taxon at 56 sites. Total ground vegetation biomass in g per m² and in kg for the entire... -
Biomass analysis at the Jena Experiment field site from 2012 to 2015
NOTE for reproducibility of our resultsFor all our analyses, we removed three plots from the original design (in all cases both split-split plots containing new/old... -
Biomass determination from 2012 to 2015 from experimental plots in the Jena E...
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Pollen and spore percentage data of composite sediment core GeoB16602 over th...
Cores of marine site GeoB16602 (18.95°N, 113.71°E, water depth, 953 m) were recovered during the 2012 RV SONNE cruise SO-221 “INVERS”, northern South China Sea. Pollen samples... -
Percentages of pollen data from late MIS 6 to MIS 1 from Füramoos, Southern G...
High-resolution palynological data (taxa and groups) from the Füramoos peat bog. The data span from the latest Rissian glaciation (MIS 6) to the present (MIS 1) at an average... -
Pollen counts of sediment core Hoefle-Mire, Northern Central Alps (Kleinwalse...
The presented data consists of low resolution pollen data for a mire (Hoefle Mire) of the Kleinwalser Valley (Kleinwalsertal), Austria, in the the calcareous Northern Central... -
Pollen record from Lake Skogstjern, Telemark, Southeast Norway
From the small-sized Lake Skogstjern (c. 2.6 ha, 57.2 m a.s.l.), a sediment core of 418 cm was investigated palynologically. The lake is situated in the county of Telemark in... -
Pollen and spores of composite sediment core GeoB16602
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Phytolith morphotypes and their frequencies identified in the Waterfall Bluff...
ICPN 2.0; Neumann et al., 2019 -
Fine root lignin content from different plots of the Jena Experiment
Dried root samples were ground with a vibratory ball mill (MM 400, Retsch Technology GmbH, Germany). For liquid-solid pre-extraction we extracted up to 50 mg of sample with 12... -
Analysed pH and plot information from Jena Experiment main plots measured in ...
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Aboveground biomass of plant functional groups from a climate and land-use gr...
The data set features the variance of aboveground plant biomass along a 600km long gradient in Mongolian rangeland vegetation. The data was collected to study the role of...