Data from Future scenarios for river exports of multiple pollutants by source...
In the future, rivers may export more pollutants to coastal waters, driven by socio-economic development, increased material consumption, and climate change. However, existing... -
MODIS Collection 6.1 global yearly gap-filled Gross and Net Primary Production
Abstract: MODIS Collection 6.1 yearly gap-filled Gross Primary Production (GPP) and Net Primary Production (NPP) data on the MODIS sinusoidal grid are taken from the netCDF... -
Global crop residue management dataset (1997 - 2021)
Crop residue management for cereals on a 0.5° global grid on an annual time-scale (1997- 2021). The dataset is based on a collection of existing data sources including... -
Global Spatial Distribution on Forest Classes and Uses - Probabilities
The dataset provides the probability layers that were used to downscale forest classes and uses from FAO FRA data. It includes maps for planted forests, secondary forest and...