The UNLP hybrid quasi-geoid of Tierra del Fuego
This is a combined (gravimetric/geometric) quasi-geoid model for almost the whole province of Tierra del Fuego, computed by means of the Equivalent Source Technique (EST) and... -
The Mexican gravimetric geoid: xGGM23
The gravimetric geoid model xGGM23 was computed at the University of New Brunswick, Canada, with the aim to update the national geoid for Mexico, as well as to contribute to the... -
The Uruguayan hybrid geoid: UruGeoide2000
UruGeoide2000 is a hybrid geoid model for Uruguay computed in 2000. The extent is from 29° S to 36° S in latitude and 52° W to 60° W in longitude, however the model is valid in... -
The Uruguayan hybrid geoid: SGM2007
The Uruguayan geoid model, called SGM2007, was calculated by the Military Geographic Service (SGM) in 2007. The extent is from 29° S to 36° S in latitude and 52° W to 60° W in... -
Personnes citées dans les procès-verbaux du Bureau des longitudes
L’ensemble des personnes qui font l’objet d’une citation nominative au moins une fois dans le corpus des procès-verbaux du Bureau des longitudes entre 1795 et 1932, à... -
Membres du Bureau des longitudes (1795-1970)
Ce jeu de données contient des données enrichies sur les membres du Bureau des longitudes, de la création de cette institution scientifique en 1795, jusqu'à 1970 (pour la... -
GNSS data acquired during the 2021-2022 unrest at Station VPRT
At the end of the summer 2021, an increase in CO2 emissions at Vulcano brought to an increase in the alert level and, as a consequence, to the upgrade of the monitoring... -
GNSS data acquired during the 2021-2022 unrest at Station VCST
At the end of the summer 2021, an increase in CO2 emissions at Vulcano brought to an increase in the alert level and, as a consequence, to the upgrade of the monitoring... -
GNSS data acquired during the 2021-2022 unrest at Station VCOA
At the end of the summer 2021, an increase in CO2 emissions at Vulcano brought to an increase in the alert level and, as a consequence, to the upgrade of the monitoring... -
GNSS data acquired during the 2021-2022 unrest at Station VCAM
At the end of the summer 2021, an increase in CO2 emissions at Vulcano brought to an increase in the alert level and, as a consequence, to the upgrade of the monitoring... -
Increased Ice Thinning over Svalbard measured by ICESat/ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry
We used spaceborne laser altimetry data from the ICESat and ICESat-2 missions to obtain ice elevation and mass change rates between 2003-2008 and 2019 over Svalbard. Elevation... -
Co-seismic surface dilatation and shear strain fields derived from SPOT-5 dis...
Repeated earthquake cycles produce topography, fault damage zones, and other geologic structures along faults. These geomorphic and structural features indicate the presence of... -
EnKF Data Assimilation Outputs Modeling Preeruptive Deformation at Okmok AK, ...
EnKF data assimilation outputs in support of Albright et al. (2009) in Geophysical Research Letters. Contains the modeled reservoir parameters, projected surface deformation,... -
The Uruguayan gravimetric quasi-geoid: UruQGeoide2007
The Uruguayan gravimetric quasi-geoid model UruQGeoide2007 was calculated by the Military Geographic Service (SGM) in 2007. The extent is from 29° S to 36° S in latitude and 52°... -
The Uruguayan gravimetric geoid: UruGeoide2007
The Uruguayan gravimetric geoid model UruGeoide2007 was calculated by the Military Geographic Service (SGM) in 2007. The extent is from 29° S to 36° S in latitude and 52° W to... -
GNSS data acquired during the 2021-2022 unrest at Vulcano island (Italy) by t...
At the end of the summer 2021, an increase in CO2 emissions at Vulcano brought to an increase in the alert level and, as a consequence, to the upgrade of the monitoring... -
Products and Metadata of IAG Services - Overview
Products and Metadata of IAG Services This Excel document provides an overview of products and metadata of Services of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). It has... -
The Uruguayan gravimetric quasi-geoid: UruQGeoide110
The Uruguayan gravimetric quasi-geoid model UruQGeoide110 was calculated by the Military Geographic Institute (IGM) in 2023. The extent is from 29.5° S to 35.5° S in latitude,... -
The Uruguayan gravimetric geoid: UruGeoide110
The Uruguayan gravimetric geoid model UruGeoide110 was calculated by the Military Geographic Institute (IGM) in 2023. The extent is from 29.5° S to 35.5° S in latitude, and... -
The Uruguayan hybrid geoid: IGM110
The official Uruguayan geoid model, called IGM110, was calculated by the Military Geographic Institute (IGM) in 2023 and consists of a grid of 1´ x 1´ geoidal undulations with a...