Lipid biomarker of yellow aragonite from sediment core GeoB23225-1
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Lipid biomarker of clear aragonite from sediment core GeoB23225-1
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Bulk parameters during incubation of sediment core 322-C0012
This data set shows the release of dissolved organic matter, hydrogen, hydrogenase, and inorganic ions (manganese, iron, total sulfur, and ammonium) at temperatures of 20°C (in... -
n-Alkane of sediment core GeoTü SL167
The data sets contains n-alkane data of sediment core GeoTü SL167.he measurements of n-alkanes were carried out using Thermo Scientific Trace 1310 GC-FID and Thermo Scientific... -
Potential CO2 and CH4 production in the central Lena River Delta, Kurungnakh ...
Arctic warming increases the degradation of permafrost soils but little is known about floodplain soils and other permafrost soils in the permafrost region. This dataset present... -
Anaerobic incubation measurements (CH4+CO2) from samples of Lena Delta collec...
The data sets were made during the summer 2021, with samples collected from three cores, at two depths (active and permafrost layers). In total, six samples (3 replicates by... -
Concentrations of methane (headspace gas) in gravity core GeoB21363-1 from Sa...
Core GeoB21363-1 was collected by gravity coring from the Sartori Mud Volcano in the Calabrian accretionary prism during cruise POS499 with R/V POSEIDON. In order to determine... -
Pore-water data of a multicorer core and a gravity core at Station HE443/10, ...
Pore water was collected onboard (RV Heincke expedition HE443) by use of rhizons that were inserted into the cores through drilled holes in the core liners. Samples were... -
Concentrations and loadings of fatty acids in surface sediments of Helgoland ...
Surface sediment were extracted 4 times by ultrasonication with dichloromethane: methanol (9:1, v/v) for 15 min for FAs and alkanes. For quantification of FAs and alkanes, known... -
Concentrations and loadings of alkanes in surface sediments of Helgoland Mud ...
Surface sediment were extracted 4 times by ultrasonication with dichloromethane: methanol (9:1, v/v) for 15 min for FAs and alkanes. For quantification of FAs and alkanes, known... -
Bottle data from the shallow near-shore waters of the German Baltic Sea
Coastal ecosystems are heterogeneous environments with high turnover rates of carbon and nutrients that influence the distribution of greenhouse gases (GHG). They also represent... -
Methane concentration and its isotopic composition in seawater during POLARST...
The methane concentration and stable carbon isotopic signature of methane were measured in different Arctic sea ice types as well as in seawater underneath the ice floe during... -
Chemical and isotopic compositions of headspace gases at Sites ARA06C-JPC01, ...
Gas composition in the headspace gas was measured by an Agilent 7890A gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector in the KIGAM. The carbon isotopic ratios of CH~4~ and... -
(Fig. 3) n-Alkanes C29+C31 of sediment core PS75/059-2
Alignment of Fe content records to EDC dust contents on AICC12 time-scale; see Lamy et al., 2014 SOM. -
(Fig. 3) n-Alkanes C29+C31 of sediment core PS75/056-1
Alignment of Fe content records to EDC dust contents on AICC12 time-scale; see Lamy et al., 2014 SOM. -
(Table 1) Contents of biomarkers indicative for AOM-communities dominated by ...
The abbreviation scheme used for the DAGEs is based on Elvert et al. (2005). -
Incubation of soils from across a permafrost thaw gradient, in Peera Palsa (F...
This dataset reports measurements from a yearlong laboratory incubation of soils sourced from within the discontinuous permafrost zone in northern Finland. Using an aerial... -
Anaerobic respiration in a boreal wetland and surrounding habitats, across a ...
This dataset reports measurements from a laboratory incubation of soils sourced from a boreal peatland and surrounding habitats (Siikaneva Bog, Finland). In August 2021, soil... -
Lipids, fatty acids, and δ13C values in fatty acids measured in Arctic zoopla...
This dataset consists of lipid analysis, fatty acid analysis, and compound specific stable isotope analysis of δ13C values in fatty acids. These parameters were measured in... -
Fatty acids and δ13C values of fatty acids measured in particulate organic ma...
This dataset consists of fatty acid analysis and compound specific stable isotope analysis of fatty acids (δ13C-FA). These parameters were measured in particulate organic matter...