INF-COVID: Longitudinal data - Portugal - T0-T1-T2
The COVID-19 pandemic was making a huge impact on Europe’s healthcare systems in the spring of 2020, and most predictive models concurred that pandemic waves were in the offing.... -
INF-COVID: Longitudinal data - France - T0-T1-T2-T3
The COVID-19 pandemic was making a huge impact on Europe’s healthcare systems in the spring of 2020, and most predictive models concurred that pandemic waves were in the offing.... -
INF-COVID: Longitudinal data - Switzerland French-speaking - T0-T1-T2-T3
The COVID-19 pandemic was making a huge impact on Europe’s healthcare systems in the spring of 2020, and most predictive models concurred that pandemic waves were in the offing.... -
Panelstudie zum Risikoverhalten Jugendlicher in der Stadt Freiburg, 1., 2. Vo...
Das unter der Referenznummer 5368 archivierte Projekt (Daten zur 2. Vormessung sowie zur Nachmessung) wurde durch Daten aus dem Projekt (Referenznummer) 1682 (1. Vormessung)... -
Comportement des écoliers suisses en matière de santé - 2006
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old.... -
Survey on the Size and Structure of the Swiss Occupational Therapy Workforce
In order to plan and implement effective measures to counter staff shortages among OTs in Switzerland, empirical data on the size and structure of the Swiss occupational therapy... -
Das Gesundheitsverhalten Schweizer Schüler - 1998
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old.... -
Psychobiologische Auswirkungen von Unterrichtsstörungen auf Lehrpersonen (PAU...
Teachers are more likely than average to suffer from mental disorders and psychosomatic illnesses. They experience disruptions of teaching by students (hereinafter referred to... -
Comportements de santé des élèves suisses - 2010
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old.... -
Risikoverhalten: Schriftliche Befragung von Jugendlichen an deutschsprachigen...
Das unter der Referenznummer 5368 archivierte Projekt (Daten zur 2. Vormessung sowie zur Nachmessung) wurde durch Daten aus dem Projekt (Referenznummer) 1682 (1. Vormessung)... -
Normality in Medicine
The purpose of this study was to connect some conceptual dots surrounding the use of normality by regressing a person’s acceptance of normality as being applied in medicine on... -
Das Gesundheitsverhalten Schweizer Schüler - 1986
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old.... -
Autoremission: Textdaten und visuelle Daten der SelbstheilerInnen (1988 - 2002)
Bei der Untersuchung geht es darum, die Auslöser für sogenannte "Selbstheilungen" von Alkohol- und Opiatabhängigen zu finden und zu klären, welche Bedingungen den erfolgreichen... -
Comportement des écoliers suisses en matière de santé - 2002
The Swiss HBSC study aims to assess health behaviour and lifestyles in fifth- to ninth-graders (seventh to eleventh grade HarmoS), most of whom are between 11 and 15 years old.... -
Swiss nurses’ career paths - nurses at work - n@w - 2014
Insufficient nursing staff levels have been shown to have a negative impact on the quality of care, increasing patient morbidity and mortality. In order to address the issue of... -
Psychische Gesundheitskompetenz und Stigmatisierung: eine Schweizer Umfrage u...
The Swiss Youth Mental Health Literacy and Stigma Survey (SYMHLSS) aimed to study mental health literacy and stigma towards mentally ill people in a representative youth sample.... -
Alleinerziehende Mütter in drei Stadtteilen von Zürich - 1993
The number of single parents in Switzerland is on the rise. However, empirical studies of the situation of this group are almost inexistant in this country. This is all the more... -
Risikoverhalten: Schriftliche Befragung von Jugendlichen an deutschsprachigen...
Das unter der Referenznummer 5368 archivierte Projekt (Daten zur 2. Vormessung sowie zur Nachmessung) wurde durch Daten aus dem Projekt (Referenznummer) 1682 (1. Vormessung)... -
Befragung von Rekruten sowie 20-jährigen der Schweizerischen Wohnbevölkerung ...
Das Institut für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin erhielt von der «Eidgenössischen Jugend- und Rekrutenbefragung ch-x» den Auftrag, eine Befragung mit dem Titel «Befragung über... -
Replication data for: Raquel Paz Castro, Michael P. Schaub, Corina Salis Gros...
Migrant populations usually report higher smoking rates. Among those migrant populations, Turkish- and Kurdish-speaking migrants are often overrepresented. Providing equal...