Countercyclical Risk Aversion: Beyond Financial Professionals [Online Appendi...
We test if Cohn et al.’s (2015) experimental results on countercyclical risk aversion exhibited by financial professionals generalize to a standard student sample. In our... -
On the Ingredients for Bubble Formation: Informed Traders and Communication [...
Bubbles in asset markets have been documented in numerous experiments. Most experiments in which bubbles occur feature a declining fundamental value. This feature has been... -
Countercyclical Risk Aversion: Beyond Financial Professionals [Online Appendi...
We test if Cohn et al.’s (2015) experimental results on countercyclical risk aversion exhibited by financial professionals generalize to a standard student sample. In our... -
On the Ingredients for Bubble Formation: Informed Traders and Communication [...
Bubbles in asset markets have been documented in numerous experiments. Most experiments in which bubbles occur feature a declining fundamental value. This feature has been...