Studies of the new S=1/2 triangular lattice spin liquid kappa-ET2Ag2(CN)3 (CH...
A new member of the class of S=1/2 triangular lattice quantum spin liquids will be studied with muons. It is obtained by replacing Cu with Ag in the original compound... -
Characterizing neutral and diamagnetic Mu in beta-Ga2O3
We propose a series of LF-MuSR measurements to complete a study on the neutral and diamagnetic muonium (Mu) states in single-crystal beta-Ga2O3 where Mu is being used as an... -
Studying the phase diagram of Ba2-xSrxRuO4 by muSR
Sr2RuO4 is an unconventional superconductor below ~1.5 K while its sister compound Ca2RuO4 is a Mott insulator and antiferromagnetic below ~110 K. The rich phenomena in the...