Cohort Differences in Big Five Personality Factors Over a Period of 25 Years
This dataset comprises scores of 8,954 first-year psychology students from the University of Amsterdam (1982-2007) on the ‘Vijf PersoonlijkheidsFactoren Test’ or 5PFT (Elshout &... -
Facebook use intensity and depressive symptoms: a moderated mediation model o...
Background: Research on the relationship between Facebook use intensity and depressive symptoms has resulted in mixed findings. In contrast, problematic Facebook use has been... -
Why some siblings thrive whereas others struggle: A within-family study on re...
This publication package contains the study files (analyses scripts, output, and materials) relevant to the publication. The data belongs to NESDA and can be found here... -
Replication Data for: Seeking solitude after being ostracized: A replication ...
Individuals may respond to ostracism by either behaving prosocially or antisocially. A recent paper provides evidence for a third response: solitude seeking, suggesting that...