(Table 3) Metazoan species found in the surface and sub-ice layers of the dri...
= absent; + = present (single specimens); ++ = abundant (mostly >1 ind/m**3) -
(Tables 1-3) Amphipod species observed under Antarctic pack ice during POLARS...
During three Antarctic expeditions (2004, ANT XXI-4 and XXII-2; 2006, ANT XXIII-6) with the German research icebreaker R/V Polarstern, six different amphipod species were... -
TABLE 2. - List of species of Garamaridea and Corophiidea collected in southe...
Species richness and faunistic affinities of gammaridean and corophiidean amphipods from southern Tierra del Fuego were studied. The material was collected with dredges and...