RNAseq data from hagfish tissues
RNAseq data from slime glands, skin and barbels of hagfish species Eptatretus burgeri, E. okinoseanus, E. mccoskeri, E. goslinei, Myxine greggi, M. phantasma, and M. martinii.... -
Eptatretus stoutii Raw sequence reads
raw RNAseq data from slime glands of pacific hagfish Eptatretus stoutii. The goals of this research are to understand the functional components of defensive slime and their... -
Improving Metabarcoding Taxonomic Assignment: A Case Study of Fishes in a Lar...
Reference Barcodes for California Current Large Marine Ecosystem Fishes generated using the MiFish 12S Universal and Elasmobranch primer sets. Both vouchered and unvouchered...