BIOMÔR 5 Habitat Mapping for Conservation and Management of the Southern Iris...
The HABMAP project was set up to address the need for better spatial awareness of habitat distributions in the southern Irish Sea, and aimed to provide seabed habitat maps that... -
Marine species data for Scottish waters held and managed by Scottish Natural ...
The dataset comprises: species records from benthic surveys commissioned by SNH or projects where SNH were a partner and the outputs are under the custodianship of SNH.... -
BIOMÔR 4 The Outer Bristol Channel Marine Habitat Study
The Outer Bristol Channel Marine Habitat Study (OBCMHS) was a multifaceted project involving scientific investigation, interpretation and education in an area with potential... -
BIOMAERL.Maerl Biodiversity.Functional Structure And Antropogenic Impacts (19...
In this study, performed under the LifeWatchGreece infrastructure, are presented preliminary results from the digitization of biodiversity data from various sampling expeditions... -
Marine records from Pembrokeshire Marine Species Atlas
An atlas of marine species for Pembrokeshire including flora and fauna, intertidal and sublittoral data, funded by the Counytryside Council for Wales (CCW). It is a collation of... -
Marine data from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Technical Support (Research &a...
This dataset is comprised of marine benthic surveys created by Natural Resources Wales' (and previously the Countryside Council for Wales') technical support (research and... -
BIOMÔR 5 Habitat Mapping for Conservation and Management of the Southern Iris...
The HABMAP project was set up to address the need for better spatial awareness of habitat distributions in the southern Irish Sea, and aimed to provide seabed habitat maps that... -
BIOMAERL.Maerl Biodiversity.Functional Structure And Antropogenic Impacts (19...
In this study, performed under the LifeWatchGreece infrastructure, are presented preliminary results from the digitization of biodiversity data from various sampling expeditions... -
Marine species data for Scottish waters held and managed by Scottish Natural ...
The dataset comprises: species records from benthic surveys commissioned by SNH or projects where SNH were a partner and the outputs are under the custodianship of SNH.... -
Marine records from Pembrokeshire Marine Species Atlas
An atlas of marine species for Pembrokeshire including flora and fauna, intertidal and sublittoral data, funded by the Counytryside Council for Wales (CCW). It is a collation of... -
BIOMÔR 4 The Outer Bristol Channel Marine Habitat Study
The Outer Bristol Channel Marine Habitat Study (OBCMHS) was a multifaceted project involving scientific investigation, interpretation and education in an area with potential... -
Marine data from Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Technical Support (Research &a...
This dataset is comprised of marine benthic surveys created by Natural Resources Wales' (and previously the Countryside Council for Wales') technical support (research and... -
Benthic macrofauna abundance of subcores of sediment core 13200-073
This dataset has no description
Benthic macrofauna abundance of subcores of sediment core 13200-045
This dataset has no description
Benthic macrofauna abundance of subcores of sediment core 13078-015
This dataset has no description
Benthic macrofauna abundance of subcores of sediment core 12930-084
This dataset has no description
Benthic macrofauna abundance of subcores of sediment core 12930-065
This dataset has no description
Benthic macrofauna abundance of sediment core 13201-002
This dataset has no description
Benthic macrofauna abundance of sediment core 13200-081
This dataset has no description
Benthic macrofauna abundance of sediment core 13200-078
This dataset has no description