DNA barcoding tallgrass prairie plants
Globally, grasslands are one of the most threatened ecosystems due to their high rate of loss but low levels of protection. Being able to rapidly and accurately identify species... -
Vegetation survey of plant species richness and cover in managed grasslands o...
Vegetation relevés were carried out at five of the Terrestrial Environmental Observatories (TERENO) project (www.tereno.net) sites were mown or grazed grasslands were available.... -
(Table 3) Pollen analytical and carpological record of the outcrop Hölle belo...
Pollen analyses and 14C-datings were carried out on two late glacial profiles from Ruegen Island, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern at the southwestern Baltic coast. The palaeoclimatic and... -
Diet composition of three swan species (Mute Swan, Whooper Swan and Bewick's ...
The quality of swans' nutrition at spring migration stopovers is important for their successful breeding. The aim of this study was to increase our understanding of the... -
(Table 1) Late- and postglacial ecological succession in profile Teufelsmoor
Abundance: fruits and seeds: s = 1-2 pieces; m = 3-5 pieces; h = 6-14 pieces; H = > 15 pieces. Tissue: + = low abundances < 1% fruits and seeds of same species absent or... -
Macrofossils profile from Muscotah Marsh A
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(Abb 7.) Makro plant rests from profile Fichtelberg
Pollen zones after Firbas Ia-IVa. <1 means occurence and is not a value. -
Tab. 4: Vergesellschaftung von Nitella opaca in Nordwestdeutschland
New facts on the occurrence and distribution of the threatened and rare stoneworts Chara baltica, C. connivens, C. contraria, C. virgata, Nitella hyalina, N. opaca, N. gracilis,... -
Macrofossils profile from Muscotah Marsh B
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