Klimathistorisk databas för Sverige 1500-1870
Information about weather-related conditions in Sweden during the period 1500-1870 has been extracted from various historical documents. The information is presented as cited... -
Public acceptance of policy instruments to reduce plastic pollution in East A...
We collected data in five East African countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Rwanda) on public opinions about different policy instruments to reduce plastic... -
Public acceptance of policy instruments to reduce forest loss: Exploring cros...
We collected data in five East African countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Rwanda) focusing on citizens’ perceptions on forest loss-reducing policy instruments... -
Danska Västindien-panelen
Economic-demographic panel dataset over the Danish West Indies (current-day US Virgin Islands), 1760-1914. The dataset contains demographic information on the population, and... -
Terminologiska resurser från Tillväxtverket
Term lists and parallel texts e-mailed to us directly by the agency. Termlistor och parallella texter mejlade direkt från Tillväxtverket. -
Översättningsminnen Konkurrensverket
Translation memories extracted by Tilde (www.tilde.com) from the data i Texts from the Swedish Competition Agency Översättningsminnen utvunna av Tilde (www.tilde.com) ur datan i... -
Översättningsminnen Tillväxtverket - mellan flera språk
Translation memories from the language data of the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. Excel file with over 16000 rows and several languages. Source language is... -
Översättningsminne Tillväxtverket - svensk-engelskt
Translation memories from the language data of the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. TMX file with Swedish-English translation units. Källspråk är svenska. The... -
Översättningsminne Tillväxtverket - svensk-finskt
Translation memories from the language data of the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. An Excel file with just over 300 rows. Source language is Swedish. The... -
Översättningsminne från Riksrevisionen
A translation memory received from a translator at the Swedish NAO Översättningsminne mottaget av översättare på Riksrevisionen i december 2017 -
Texter från Konsumentverket
Parallel texts downloaded from the website, hallåkonsument.se, run by of the Swedish Consumer Agency. The texts have been downloaded using the command 'w3m -dump' from an... -
Texter från Tillväxtverket
Parallel texts that have been sent to us direclty by the agency. Parallella texter som som skickats till oss direkt av Tillväxtverket. -
Texter från Pensionsmyndigheten
Parallel texts in form of (orange) reports from the website of the Swedish Pension Authority. Parallel texts downloaded from the website of the Swedish Pension Authority. What... -
Parallella texter från Konkurrensverket
Texts collected from the Swedish Competition Authority's website around March 2018. The texts are yearly reviews and other public information from this authority. Parallel... -
Public acceptability of policy instruments for reducing fossil fuel consumpti...
We collected data in five East African countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia and Rwanda) on public opinions about different policy instruments to reduce the use of fossil... -
Svensk-finsk ordlista: utmätnings- och konkursord
Swedish-Finnish glossary containing attachment, sale, and liquidation words. Published in Kieliviesti 1/2007. Contains approximately 160 entries. 2007. Swedish-Finnish... -
Series on Swedish Foreign Trade, 1780-1830
This is a data set containing series on Swedish foreign trade, from 1780 to 1830. Contains series on 37 individual import commodities, 19 export commodities, and 12 re-export... -
Utvärdering genom uppföljning
UGU stands for "Evaluation Through Follow-up" and is one of the country's largest research study in the field of education, the country's largest survey of schools. As part of... -
Upplevda förändringar i handlingsfriheter under COVID-19 pandemin: En svensk ...
Covid-19 has affected people in various ways, directly through disease and death, and indirectly through disease containment measures. Understanding how the pandemic and... -
Capability ranking among health care related researchers and students at 5 Sw...
The capability approach by Amartya Sen (Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 1998) measures quality of life in terms of capabilities; i.e....