Circadian rhythm and chronic sleep deprivation effects on human performance -...
Circadian rhythms and restricted sleep length affect cognitive functions and, consequently, the performance of day to day activities. To date, no more than a few studies have... -
Influence of early experience of speech and language on their processing and ...
The aim of this project was to determine the impact of early speech and language experience on language processing and neural representation. In this project, I have studied... -
Eye movements in risky choice, experimental data
We asked participants to make simple risky choices while we recorded their eye movements. We built a complete statistical model of the eye movements and found very little... -
Eye movements in strategic choice, experimental data
In risky and other multiattribute choices, the process of choosing is well described by random walk or drift diffusion models in which evidence is accumulated over time to... -
An automated segmentation approach to calibrating infantile nystagmus wavefor...
Infantile nystagmus (IN) describes a regular, repetitive movement of the eyes. A characteristic feature of each cycle of the IN eye movement waveform is a period in which the... -
Evaluating the impact of asymmetric peripheral vision loss on visual search i...
In this study we asked healthy young adult participants to find a phone in a range of rooms in virtual reality under simulated visual impairment in the periphery of their visual...