Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1994/2
Osnovna vsebina projekta: VREDNOTE: nacionalni ponos, pridobitev državljanstva, pripadnost (politična, krajevna, nacionalna, poklicna..), odnos do priseljevanja, socialna... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1998/2 and Understanding of History II
Raziskava je namenjena izvedbi zoženega nabora vprašanj SJM, zlasti vprašanj iz serije Politbarometer. Del ankete je namenjena preverjanju kolektivnega zgodovinskega spomina... -
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1999/4
Raziskava je namenjena ugotavljanju celovite slike dejavnikov in procesov oblikovanja stališč do Evropske Unije v predpridružitvenem obdobju v Sloveniji ter izvedbi zoženega... -
Soil and stem xylem water isotope data from two pan-European sampling campaigns
Here, we present a comprehensive isotope dataset of soil and stem xylem water collected during two pan-European sampling campaigns in spring and summer 2023. The dataset... -
Planning intentions in strategic plans of European urban regions
The present dataset is part of the report titled Gradinaru S.R., Hersperger A.M., Schmid F. (2021). Deriving Planning Intentions from written planning documents. Report on... -
Towards comparable species richness estimates across plot-based inventories -...
The data file refers to the data used in Portier et al. "Plot size matters: towards comparable species richness estimates across plot-based inventories" (2022) Ecology and... -
lsUDPS Large-scale urban development projects in European urban regions
Table of Content: 1. General context of the data set "lsUDPs" ; 2. Background and aims of the study using the data set lsUDPs; 3. The data set lsUDPs: 3.1 Selection of cases and... -
How to balance forestry and biodiversity conservation? - A view across Europe
Forests cover about a third of the European land area and provide a multitude of ecosystem services. They are subject to constant change and increasing demands with respect to... -
Fire Weather Index for Hydrological Bavaria from 1980-2099 derived from the 5...
This dataset contains the Fire Weather Index for Hydrological Bavaria from 1980 - 2099 as stated in the paper "Climate change impacts on regional fire weather in heterogeneous... -
High resolution climate data for Europe
High-resolution information on climatic conditions is essential to many applications in environmental and ecological sciences. Here we present downscaled climate data for the... -
Constructing the European Higher Education Student: a Comparative Study of si...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. There are currently over 35 million students within Europe and yet there is no clear understanding of... -
Group discussions on the relations between the EU and its eastern neighbours ...
Minutes of five discussions from meetings with groups of experts, academics, officials and students in four Eastern European countries: Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia.... -
European study in consumer-based brand equity
Data resulting from a consumer survey on brand perception in the UK, Germany and Greece with 1800+ consumers. The data represent the development of a pencil and paper measure of... -
Smart eco-cities for a green economy: a comparative study of Europe and China...
The data deposited as part of this project includes data from research on UK smart city case studies in the form of reports and interview transcripts, as well as notes of what... -
Architectures of displacement: Humanitarian strategies for sheltering refugee...
The Architectures of Displacement research project at the University of Oxford examined a range of different humanitarian strategies for sheltering refugees in six countries... -
European NUTS 2 Regions: Construction of Interregional Trade-linked Supply an...
Economic development is interregional in nature, with economic growth being determined by physical and technological proximity identified by interregional and national...