Microbial community composition of laboratory incubations of marine sediment
Amplicon sequencing data of the V3-V4 16S rRNA region of several laboratory marine sediment incubations, sampled from the suboxic zone. The goal of this study was to create a... -
Common environmental pollutants negatively affect development and regeneratio...
The anthozoan sea anemone Nematostella vectensis belongs to the phylum of cnidarians which also includes jellyfish and corals. Nematostella are native to US East Coast marsh... -
Roseobacter response to varying levels of iron availability
To test whether a commonly used chelator, desferrioxamine B (DFB) caused effects beyond changing the iron-status of cells, cultures of the environmentally relevant marine... -
Microbial community composition of cable bacteria clonal enrichment cultures
Microbial community composition of cable bacteria clonal enrichment cultures. 16S rRNA V3-V4 amplicon sequencing data. Cultured in labaratory conditions. -
Nanohaloarchaeon participates in xylan degradation by haloarchaea
The current study revealed that ectosymbiontic nanohaloarchaea can be readily isolated in binary co-cultures by using appropriate enrichment strategy and are an important... -
Metagenome sequencing of single-strain enrichment of a cable bacterium
The cable bacterium Electrothrix aestuarii Rat1 was grown clonally in a sediment enrichment culture, and the metagenome sequenced with Oxford Nanopore and Illumina to obtain a...