The 3-rd Order Polynomial Fit Coefficients of Electron Lifetime Caused by Int...
In near-Earth space, a large population of high-energy electrons are trapped by Earth’s magnetic field. These energetic electrons are trapped in the regions called Earth’s ring... -
An empirical model of electron pitch angle distributions in the outer radiati...
Here, we present an empirical model of the equatorial electron pitch angle distributions, based on the Magnetic Electron Ion Spectrometer (MagEIS) instrument aboard the Van... -
Electron density derived with the Neural-network-based Upper-hybrid Resonance...
The dataset presents the electron density derived using the Neural-network-based Upper hybrid Resonance Determination (NURD) algorithm (Zhelavskaya et al., 2016) from plasma... -
Lifetime of Energetic Electrons due to Interactions with Chorus Waves
In the near-Earth space, there are a large population of high energy electrons trapped by Earth’s magnetic field. These energetic electrons are trapped in the regions called... -
MLT-averaged Plasmapause Position Calculated from the PINE Plasmasphere Model...
This dataset is the MLT-averaged plasmapause position calculated for the NSF GEM Challenge Events. We use the recently developed Plasma density in the Inner magnetosphere Neural...