4 datasets found

Keywords: E PETITION

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  • 10 Downing Street UK petitioning website

    This collection contains total number of signatures to 8328 petitions over time (daily resolution) along with petition metadata (title, category, time of creation), directly...
  • Petitions: gov.uk petitioning website

    This collection consists of number of signatures to 19,621 petitions over time (hourly resolution) along with petition metadata (title, category, time of creation), directly...
  • We the people, the US petitioning website

    ​This collection consists of total number of signatures to 1769 petitions over time (hourly resolution) along with petition metadata (title, category, time of creation),...
  • Change.org petitions data

    ​This collection contains number of signatures to 1949 petitions over time (with exact timestamp of each signature, and the city-country of the person who has signed) along with...
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