(Table 12) Vegetation of peat samples outside of the original experimental fi...
Abundance: fruits and seeds: s = 1-2 pieces; m = 3-5 pieces; h = 6-14 pieces; H = > 15 pieces. Tissue: + = low abundances < 1% fruits and seeds of same species absent or... -
(Table 1) Late- and postglacial ecological succession in profile Teufelsmoor
Abundance: fruits and seeds: s = 1-2 pieces; m = 3-5 pieces; h = 6-14 pieces; H = > 15 pieces. Tissue: + = low abundances < 1% fruits and seeds of same species absent or... -
Macroremains of mosses from sediment core Bondone
x: present, p: peat forming; Mosses determined resp. revised by Friedrich Koppe, Bielefeld -
(Abb 7.) Makro plant rests from profile Fichtelberg
Pollen zones after Firbas Ia-IVa. <1 means occurence and is not a value.