Structure description (VCD) from IODP Hole 315-C0001E
Geocode = [m CSF-A] Top Core depth (below sea floor) -
Strike and dip measured in outcrops of Rühdener Sattel, Harzvorland, Northern...
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Structural data of faults in the Chenaillet ophiolite (Western Alps)
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Fault planes and striation data collected by compass from the Doña Juana Volc...
The data here contained include strike and dip of the measured fault-planes, and trend and plunge of the linear kinematic indicators (i.e., fault striae, mineral fibers, steps,... -
Shallow seismicity and the classification of structures in the Lau back-arc b...
We compared Centroid Moment Tensors (CMTs), calculated for large (Mw >5), shallow (<30 km) seismic events to the orientations of seafloor lineaments (n = 4000) mapped... -
(Table 5) Paleomagnetism after 15-mT AF demagnetization at DSDP Site 87-584
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(Table 2) Paleomagnetism after 15-mT AF demagnetization at DSDP Site 87-583
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Anhang 3: Daten der tektonischen Aufnahme
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2053 vertical separation (VS) measurements and related parameters with locati...
This dataset contains 2053 records in 16 fields, reporting the location, geometric characteristics, VS, and related parameters of measured faults ruptures and Quaternary fault... -
757 traces of 1983 coseismic ruptures and Quaternary fault scarps from key-ar...
This dataset includes 757 records in 21 fields that include location and geometric characteristics of 1983 coseismic ruptures and Quaternary fault scarps traces from the Lost... -
Calculated SHmax direction by Inverse Distance Weighted method for an area in...
For detailed description of calculation methods see Further details: "Slip tendency analysis technique - description of methods" -
Field and dip data - central Northern Calcareous Alps (Eastern Alps, Austria)
Field dip data has been collected in the central Northern Calcareous Alps (Eastern Alps, Austria and SW Germany) during during field campaigns spanning 2020-2023. The study area... -
Field measurements of the orientation of fault planes, tectonic stylolites, j...
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Measurements of fault throw displacements of cumulative morphological fault s...
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Deep earthquake focal mechanisms in Greece
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(Supplement Table S2) Paleomagnetic raw data of IODP Site 321-U1337
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(Table 2) Structural interpretation at DSDP Hole 78-541 and Site 78-542
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(Table 1A) Sediment paleomagnetism at DSDP Leg 78 Holes
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(Appendix E) Reoriented virtual geomagnetic pole positions of ODP Holes 135-841B
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(Appendix C) Bedding-corrected paleomagnetic of ODP Hole135-841A
Individual layer = corrections made for individual layers.