Harvesting in green roofs: database application
This dataset contains a web application (written in Flask, Python) that allows green roofs (an other locations) to collect harvesting data that is automatically added to an... -
Social questionnaires for green roofs assessment: database application
This dataset contains a web application (written in Flask, Python) to register answers to questionnaires targeted to different stakeholders involved in green roofs. All entires... -
IntOGen - Arrays
Genes and pathways affected by expression and copy number changes in tumors across projects and cancer types. 1 zip file -
IntOGen - Cancer driver database (2013)
Mutations, genes and pathways involved in tumorigenesis across 4,623 cancer genomes/exomes from 13 cancer sites. IntOGen-mutations identifies cancer drivers across tumor types.... -
Register of green-roof activities: database application
This repository contains a web application (written in Flask, Python) that allows green roofs (and other locations) to register held activities. All entires are automatically... -
Assesment of technical green-roof indicators: database application
This dataset contains a web application (written in Flask, Python) to register periodic and one-time data that is later used to assess technical indicators for the performance... -
Master data sheet: Weiße Elster catchment sampling (fluvial sediments) within...
Here, the master data of the standardized 88 km sampling grid of recent fluvial sediments across the Weiße Elster catchment are provided. We arranged a grid of 88 km cells over... -
MARHYS Database 2.0
This is version 2.0 of MARHYS (MARine HYdrothermal Solutions) database. The database is a global compilation of marine hydrothermal vent fluid compositions. The database... -
MARHYS Database 1.0
MARHYS (MARine HYdrothermal Solutions) database is a global compilation of marine hydrothermal vent fluid compositions. The database includes data presented in journal... -
BENthic Foraminifera quantitative database from surface sediments of the East...
The BENFEP_v2 database represents an upgraded version of the "BENthic Foraminifera quantitative database from surface sediments of the Eastern Pacific"... -
BENthic Foraminifera quantitative database from surface sediments of the East...
The BENFEP_v1 database contains georeferenced quantitative data of benthic foraminifera species from the Eastern Pacific surface sediments collated from 50 published and... -
Raw data from external antibody databases and scripts to homogenize and stand...
Reproducibility data for the AntiBody Sequence Database (ABSD) article. This dataset contains the raw data (antibody sequences) extracted on June 20, 2024, from various... -
ObsVentes - Échantillonnage des débarquements de la pêche professionnelle
L'observation des ventes consiste à mesurer périodiquement la taille des individus des principales espèces en criée et aux points de débarquement, en tenant compte des... -
ObsMer - Observation des captures en mer
L’observation des captures en mer, qu’elles soient débarquées ou rejetées par les navires de pêche professionnelle, permet de mieux connaître les interactions entre l’activité... -
Additional benthic foraminiferal studies in the Eastern Pacific with non-quan...
This dataset lists metadata of georeferenced stations obtained from 31 published studies of benthic foraminifera from surface sediments of the Eastern Pacific between 1929 and... -
A database of radiometric dates from glaciated landscapes across the Mediterr...
This database is a compilation of 1,663 radiometric ages obtained from glaciated landscapes across the Mediterranean mountains. The dates have been collated from the published... -
Global Wildfire Database for GWIS (2021)
Global Wildfire Database for GWIS (2021) is an individual fire event focused database. Post processing of MCD64A1 providing geometries of final fire perimeters including initial... -
A GIS Database of Submarine Glacial Landforms and Sediments on Arctic Contine...
A digital database for glacial landforms and sediments formed in the Arctic during and since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) was created in order to facilitate and underpin new... -
A new digital lithological Map of Italy at 1:100.000 scale
We present a lithological map of Italy at a scale of 1:100.000, obtained from classification of a comprehensive digital database. We first obtained the full database, containing... -
Database of active and potentially-active continental faults in Chile at 1:25...
We present the first comprehensive database of active and potentially-active continental fault in Chile based on existing studies and new mapping at 1:25,000 scale using...