Social accountability for safe and sustainable domestic water provision in Ta...
This is baseline survey on access to water for domestic use and social accountability in four districts of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s largest city, and Morogoro, a provincial... -
Water, sanitation and hygiene facilities assessment in Kitui county schools 2019
The dataset was collected via a survey designed to audit the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Services (WASH) and management issues across all primary and secondary schools in... -
Social accountability for safe and sustainable domestic water provision in Ta...
This is baseline survey on access to water for domestic use and social accountability in four districts of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s largest city, and Morogoro, a provincial... -
Household water and welfare survey in Kitui County, Kenya 2018
This data was collected through a survey of households in one subcounty of Kitui County Kenya with questions relating to water supply, welfare and living conditions. The survey... -
Ecosystem Service Data for Hyderabad, India, 2019
These data contain observations, measurements, and participatory appraisals of ecosystem service use obtained from two transects across the city of Hyderabad, India. The... -
REACH Khulna Household Survey, 2018
The REACH Khulna Household Survey was conducted between December 2017 and February 2018 to collect quantitative data on various indicators of multidimensional poverty, the state... -
REACH Khulna Tubewell Audit, 2018
The REACH Khulna Tubewell Audit involved mapping of all public and private tubewells (or handpumps) in Polder 29, one of the 139 polders (embanked islands) in southwestern... -
Kitui County Water Infrastructure Audit, 2011-2018
The University of Oxford developed a water audit instrument with Kitui County Government and piloted it in Mwingi North Sub-County in 2016, building on a smaller dataset on...