Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise MORENA3B
Please note that this is version 2 of the dataset with corrected event information. The old version of the data can be found under "Other version" references. In this version... -
Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise SEMANE2000-2
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Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise POS350
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Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise POS200
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Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise MORENA3A
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Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise CORAL92
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Coordinates of digital landmarks used for morphometric analysis of offspring ...
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Hydrographic parameters and dissolved methane in Lake Constance in 2007
In the south-eastern part of Lake Constance a deep pockmark, a shallow pockmark station, as well as a reference station have been sampled for dissolved methane concentrations... -
Hydrographic parameters and dissolved methane in Lake Constance in 2008
In the south-eastern part of Lake Constance a deep pockmark, a shallow pockmark station, as well as a reference station have been sampled for dissolved methane concentrations... -
Hydrographic parameters in Lake Constance in 2010
In the south-eastern part of Lake Constance a deep pockmark, a shallow pockmark station, as well as a reference station have been sampled for dissolved methane concentrations... -
AMS data and videodocumentation of shear zone analogue modelling in plaster o...
The analogue modelling of magnetic fabric in shear-zones was used to explore the time and space relationships between the finite strain and the anisotropy of magnetic... -
Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise MORENA1, Version 2
The data corresponding to the station no. 20 of this dataset no. 25 (MORENA1): https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.914316 had to be corrected due to instabilities in the layer... -
Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise MORENA1
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Coastal landslides at Omokoroa Peninsula, Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand
*Base of slide surface+1979 Bramley Drive landslide dimensions from Gulliver and Houghton (1980)++Main failure eventTer–Terrace; Rd–Road; Av–Avenue; Grv–Grove; St–Street;... -
AMS data and EBSD maps of small scale marble shear zone - Estremoz, Portugal
We studied two structural profiles across subvertical thin shear zone in marble from quarry in Estremoz (Portugal) to clarify a relationship between AMS and strain in natural... -
Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise CORPAC87 (Version ...
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Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise OCEANUS202
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Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise SISMER_MEDATLANTE
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Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise SISMER_IMAGESV
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Vertical profile of temperature and salinity during cruise SISMER_GIB2
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