Software for corpus linguists and text/data mining enthusiasts. The CorpusExplorer combines over 45 interactive visualizations under a user-friendly interface. Routine tasks... -
Salience of color terms in real texts in a wide cross-linguistic study
This dataset collects the different labels used in different languages of the world for basic word colours, according to Berlin and Kay, based on PanLex. It also provides the... -
Learning from climate change news: Is the world on the same page?
Climate change challenges countries around the world, and news media are key to the public’s awareness and perception of it. But how are news media approaching climate change... -
Impact of manipulating word boundaries on the information distributed in morp...
These plots are part of the study "Impact of manipulating word boundaries on the information distributed in morphology and syntax". Each plot represents the word-structure... -
Corpora of patient information sheets and consent forms for UK cancer trials ...
Obtaining informed consent is an ethical imperative when conducting research involving human participants. However, participants’ actual level of understanding is often...