River Thames eDNA temporal metabarcoding study: Illumina MiSeq Raw Sequence data
The file "Temporal_eDNA_GC-EC-9225.tar.gz" contains raw sequencing metabarcoding data of Thames fish communities. These are 12S data generated using MiFish-U primers (Miya et... -
Priority effects and the macroevolutionary dynamics of biodiversity: Raw outp...
All RData files for the realisations of the IS, SC and RS models under different conditions (e.g. parameters and modelling decisions). Each individual file contains one single... -
Lake Tanganyika eDNA Metabarcoding Study: Visual Survey Data
Visual survey community data for Lake Tanganyika's littoral fish species. Surveys represent underwater visual surveys undertaken at depths of 5 and 10 metres within the littoral... -
Priority effects and the macroevolutionary dynamics of biodiversity: Code req...
Included are all scripts and examplary realisations of the models necessary for the replication of the study in R. Scripts focus on the running of the models discussed in the... -
Lake Tanganyika eDNA Metabarcoding Study: Illumina MiSeq Raw Sequence Data
Raw sequence data for three Illumina Miseq runs that were used within: Doble C. J, Hipperson H, Salzburger W, Horsburgh G, Mwita C, Murrell D. J and Day J. J. (Accepted)...