Generations and Gender Programme: Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) - Round...
Full edition for scientific use. The GGS (Generations & Gender Programme) is an international panel survey. It provides insight on family compositions, fertility behaviour,... -
Generations and Gender Programme: Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) - Wave ...
Full edition for scientific use. The GGS (Generations & Gender Programme) is an international panel survey. It provides insight on family compositions, fertility behaviour,... -
DiF - Divorce in Flanders (ENG)/ SiV - Scheiding in Vlaanderen (NL)
Divorce in Flanders (NL: Scheiding in Vlaanderen) is a multi-actor panel study on relationships, causes and consequences of relationship dissolution, as experienced by... -
Comparative study of crows in urban context - Tartu - Paris project (2021-2023)
The dataset is a collection of the different data collected and organized during the project and leading to publication. It contains: - field observations - survey dataset -...