Epi- en hyperbenthische gemeenschappen van Belgische zandstranden@nl
This is the first study on the epi- and hyperbenthic fauna of the surf zone of sandy beaches of the Belgian coast. Therefore, as a first objective of this thesis, a lot of... -
INRAM: Benthic fauna monitoring in Belgian harbours and Belgian coastal area
Deze dataset bevat gegevens over populatie-eigenschappen van het hyper- en epibenthos, bemonsterd in het Schelde-estuarium, de Belgische kustwateren en de Belgische kusthavens.@nl -
Littoral Monitoring Network of Cantabria (Fishes)
<p>IHCantabria with the support of the Regional Government of Cantabria has been carried out since 2005 the monitoring of the coastal waters of Cantabria in accordance... -
Hyperbenthos community in the salt marsh of Saeftinghe in 1990 and 1991
Density and biomass of hyperbenthos species in the salt marsh community of Saeftinghe between March 1990 and October 1991. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original... -
Nematoda from Kenya and Zanzibar
Data on the species and trophic composition of the nematode community in coral degradation zones in Kenya and Zanzibar. -
Relative abundance of potentially pathogenic bacteria in treated wastewater a...
<p>The dataset reports the relative abundance of potentially pathogenic bacteria in treated wastewater and coastal water samples collected in the proximity of discharge... -
Chemische analyse van PAK's, Organotin, PCB's, PBDE's en organochloor pestici...
Water, sediment, gesuspendeerde materie en biota werden bemonsterd in de Westerschelde in 2002. Alle matrices werden onderzocht op PAK's, Organotin, PCB's, PBDE's en... -
Interstitial Turbellaria in the Dutch Delta 1978-1979
List and counts of observed Turbellaria species in 1978-1979 in the Dutch Delta area. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Martens, P. (1980). Interstitiële... -
SeaWatch-B: strandobservatiedata voor de Belgische Noordzee door burgers geme...
SeaWatch-B dataset voor de periode juni 2014 tem juni 2018.@nl