Pore water chemistry and saturation indices in sediment pore-water from the C...
Pore water was extracted from the core with 5 cm CSS Rhizon samplers (Rhizosphere, Wageningen, Netherlands).Saturation index is given as log₁₀(IAP/Ksp) with IAP = Ion activity... -
Ionic composition of Batagay ice wedges, North Yakutia, Russia
Ionic omposition of ice wedges from the Batagay megaslump, 10 km to south east from Batagay settlement in the Verkhoyansky District of the Yakutia (Sakha) Republic, Russia.... -
Content and composition of water-soluble salts in the sediments of the second...
Content and composition of water-soluble salts in the sediments of the second lagoon-marine terrace, in the lower reaches of the Mongatalyangyakha River on the Yavai Peninsula... -
Major ions and dissolved salts in syngenetic ice wedges from Ledovy Obryv and...
Major ions and dissolved salts in syngenetic ice wedges in the 25–30 m thick Late Pleistocene Ledovy Obryv yedoma and the 60-m thick Ust'-Algan Obryv yedoma. Analysis of major... -
Chloride and sulfate ions in massive ice and its potential water sources (Nor...
Lenses of massive ground ice and cryopegs were found at different levels in Holocene deposits in the northeastern Yamal Peninsula. Massive ice, 7 to 9 m thick, occurs at the... -
Hydrochemistry of Holocene ice wedge near Anadyr
In recent research the Holocene ice wedges exposed in the outcrop of the first marine terrace near Anadyr in the east of the Chukchi Peninsula have been investigated. The first... -
Total dissolved solids and major ions in ice wedge ice of the cross-section o...
Total dissolved solids and major ions in ice wedge ice of the cross-section of the Tambey river floodplain from wells 193-198-YuV. -
Total dissolved solids and major ions in sediments of the Tambey River floodp...
Total dissolved solids and major ions in sediments of the Tambey River floodplain, containing ice wedge ice, from well 195-YuV. -
Tab. 6: Sulphur isotope composition of sulphate from lakes in central Dronnin...
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Tab. 4: Sulphur isotope composition of sulphate from recent atmospheric preci...
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Seasonal mobility of Arsenic and Antimony in the Macleay River 2016-2019
Water samples from the Macleay River were collected from Bellbrook bridge (30°49'10.58"S; 152°30'20.33"E) over a 35 month period (August 2016 to July 2019) at approximately 0.5...