Diatom relative and absolute abundances from IODP Site U1537 covering MIS-32 ...
These data are relative abundance (%) and absolute abundance (valves per gram dry weight) for diatoms identified to the species level. The core was collected at 60 degrees South... -
Diatom concentrations and fluxes from marine sediment core AMD14-204_CASQ
Relative contribution of the “marginal ice zone”, “drift-ice/pack-ice” and “summer subsurface” diatom indicator groups, diatom valve and Chaetoceros resting spore concentrations... -
Chlorophyll a, primary production and phytoplankton abundance off western Pat...
The dataset compiles in situ observational data obtained during the R/V Mirai MR16-09 cruise (2017-01-21 to 2017-02-03) off western Patagonia, Chile. The biological data... -
Relative abundance and fluxes of diatoms in sediment trap ALB-5 from the Albo...
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Phytoplankton abundance in surface water during cruise Alkor 237-1
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Diatom counts from the sediment core PS97/72-1
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(Table S1) Modern calibration environmental variables and coretop diatom spec...
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Fossil diatom counts (relative abundances) from the sediment core RK12, Lake ...
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Relative abundances of diatoms from three stations at Potter Cove, King Georg...
Inner diameter core = 5.4 cm => surface area = 22.89 cm**2. Diatoms were prepared following Renberg (1990, doi:10.1007/BF00208301) and imbedded in Naphrax®. Diatoms were... -
Diatom abundance in surface sediments of the northern North Pacific
In order to map the modern distribution of diatoms and to establish a reliable reference data set for paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the northern North Pacific, a new data... -
Abundance of broken phytoplankton frustules measured on water bottle samples ...
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Abundance of broken phytoplankton frustules measured on water bottle samples ...
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Abundance of broken phytoplankton frustules measured on water bottle samples ...
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Abundance of broken phytoplankton frustules measured on water bottle samples ...
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Abundance of broken phytoplankton frustules measured on water bottle samples ...
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Abundance of broken phytoplankton frustules measured on water bottle samples ...
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Abundance of broken phytoplankton frustules measured on water bottle samples ...
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Abundance of broken phytoplankton frustules measured on water bottle samples ...
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Abundance of broken phytoplankton frustules measured on water bottle samples ...
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Abundance of broken phytoplankton frustules measured on water bottle samples ...
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