RNA-seq analysis in fins of Centropyge vrolikii
In this study, the pectoral-fin (PF), anal-fin (AF), tail-fin (TF) and eyeballs (EB) were sequenced by non reference RNA-Seq technology, the skin colour differentially expressed... -
Centropyge vrolikii isolate:CAS243847 Genome sequencing
A draft de novo genome assembly of the coral reef fish Pearlscale Pygmy Angelfish (Centropyge vrolikii) for future studies of angelfish evolution. -
RNA-seq analysis in ovaries and testes of Centropyge vrolikii
In this study, we used unreferenced RNA-Seq technology to sequence the different stage of ovaries and testis respectively, screened the gonadal differential expression genes -
Seagrass-associated biodiversity (fish abundance and richness) across five co...
Surveys of seagrass associated fisheries were conducted as part of a large-scale seagrass ecosystem services assessment conducted across five countries: Malaysia, Indonesia,...