Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Studier av det cytosoliska Hsp70-systemet från jäst och dess roll i proteinho...
Our study aims to answer the question "Which functions of the Hsp70 class of molecular chaperones are essential for yeast to maintain a standard replicative life span?". To... -
Datauppsättning från konfokalmikroskopi av växtprover – ”High throughput”-kar...
The data set contains Tiff Z-stacks from light-grown hypocotyls and cotyledons of cortical microtubule (CMT) reporter lines either with few or no ablated cells from a time... -
Gold Particle Analyser
Gold Particle Analyser is a program designed in MATLAB to assist in the analysis of gold particle probes within electron microscopy images. This includes automated detection of... -
Raw data for Frei, D. M. et al. Novel microscopy-based screening method revea...
Contact-dependent intercellular transfer (codeIT) of cellular constituents can have functional consequences for recipient cells, such as enhanced survival and drug resistance.... -
RNA seq - PDPN/CLEC-2 transcription in FRCs
Raw data to accompany figure 2 - Effects of CLEC-2 on ECM production by FRCsIncludes sample list in all format and and fastq files from RNAseq runs.Data set 28GBAbstractLymph... -
Open-Source Super-Resolution Microscopy and Data-Analysis - ESRIC 2019.pdf
My presentation for the ESRIC summer school -
Extracellular Matrix Remodelling during Lymph Node Expansion - #EMBOmesenchym...
Presentation from EMBO workshop - Mesenchymal cells in inflammation and Cancer - Athens May 2019 -
cAMP signalling movies and optogenetics
Movies of single cell cAMP signalling over population scales. Movies of optogenetic activation of cAMP to control population dynamics. -
Underlying data from "Lamin A precursor localises to the Z-disk of sarcomeres...
The excel file contains raw data set of values generated from Semi-quantitative analysis of protein abundance using the Li-Cor Odyssey platform. Time intervals of cycling... -
Changes in ESCRT-III filament geometry drive membrane remodelling and fission...
These are the data sets required to generate the figures in our paper 'Changes in ESCRT-III filament geometry drive membrane remodelling and fission in...