Pollen profile of sediment core FLOFISCH, Flögeln Fischer, Germany
This dataset was archived on 2018-09-13 from the EPD database. (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net). Date analyzed: 1988 -
Results of palynological analysis of the MO-05 core section (249-526 cm) (Sup...
Number of counted palynomorphs is provided for each taxon in each analyzed sample. -
Fig. 4. Pollen record of profile SAO1 (Analyst: J. Hahne)
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Pollen analysis of sediment core PG1205
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Pollen record of a sediment core from the Neualbenreuth Maar, Germany
The Neualbenreuth Maar (49°58' N, 12°28' E, 601 m asl) is a filled up former maar lake, located within a presently swampy depression 2.5 km ESE of the village Neualbenreuth... -
Pollen profile BUS8707, Bodensee-Untersee, Germany
This dataset was archived on 2014-09-12 from the EPD database (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net). -
Pollen percentage values of selected taxa from composite sediment core BIS-2000
The data set bundle comprises geochemical, XRF core scanning and pollen data from composite sediment core BIS-2000, which was compiled from two parallel sediment cores (BIS-1... -
Abundance (raw counts) of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and dinoflagellate ...
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Abundance (raw counts) of pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs and dinoflagellate ...
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Raw pollen counts from peat core R1.00 of the Rybojady mire in western Poland
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Raw pollen counts from peat core L1.00 of the Pawki Ług mire in western Poland
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Raw pollen counts from sediment core KBS 2 of lake Jezioro Skorupiaki in west...
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Raw pollen counts from the combined sediment core (Wus 1, Wus 3) of lake Jezi...
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Grabkower Seewiesen North
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Pastlingsee
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Weisses Lauch
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Torfteich Grabkow
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Maschnetzlauch
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Kienberger Rinne KBR6
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Kienberger Rinne KBR3
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