Pleurocarpous Moss Comparative Transcriptome
The Pleurocarpous Moss Tree of Life project aims to understand a major radiation event responsible for about half of all living moss species. We used transcriptome sequences... -
Plant species composition from northern peatlands
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(Supplement Table S2) Abundance of plant species (raw data) for 147 releves a...
Braun-Blandquet cover-abundance scores were transformed to percentages: r=1, +=2, 1=3, 2=13, 3=38, 4=68, 5=88. -
Tab. 1: Plants observed in the area of establishment of pollen traps in the L...
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Macroremains of mosses from sediment core Bondone
x: present, p: peat forming; Mosses determined resp. revised by Friedrich Koppe, Bielefeld -
(Abb 7.) Makro plant rests from profile Fichtelberg
Pollen zones after Firbas Ia-IVa. <1 means occurence and is not a value.