Loss on ignition and caesium-137 in sediments from the Hanko submarine ground...
Sediment samples were collected using a box corer, and cut in 1-cm sub-sample slices. The Cs-137 activity content of sub-samples was measured for 60 min using a BrightSpec... -
(Table 2) Re,Os and Pt concentrations and isotopic ratios for ODP Site 153-92...
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Loss on ingnition and dry bulk density data of Orakei Basin (New Zealand)
Dry bulk density (g/cm3) and loss on ignition (%) of 1674 samples from Orakei Basin (Auckland Volcanic Field maar lake, New Zealand) on the event corrected depth scale (ECD; m).... -
Dry bulk density and Loss on ignition of sediment core SAN11P2
Sediment dried at 60°C over 4 days to obtain its dry bulk density (DBD), and then the loss on ignition (LOI) of each 1-cm interval was measured using the protocol of Heiri. The... -
Geochemical composition of sediment core ROD11-1
All elemental data obtained with the ITRAX XRF core-scanner are standardised by division with the intensity of coherence. -
(Table T8) Grain size, calcium carbonate and total organic carbon composition...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Note that exact distinctions of gravel and clay fraction were not given by the author. -
(Table T7) Grain size, calcium carbonate and total organic carbon composition...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Note that exact distinctions of gravel and clay fraction were not given by the author. -
(Table T6) Grain size, calcium carbonate and total organic carbon composition...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Note that exact distinctions of gravel and clay fraction were not given by the author. -
(Table T5) Grain size, calcium carbonate and total organic carbon composition...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Note that exact distinctions of gravel and clay fraction were not given by the author. -
(Figure 3c) Loss-on-ignition data of sediment core from the Monticchio maar
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(Table 1) Petrological description and consolidation properties of ODP Site 1...
In order to determine the shear parameters of the forearc sedimentary strata drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 186, West Pacific Seismic Network, Japan Trench, eight...