Temperatures based on Mg/Ca of planktic foraminifera of sediment core MSM12/2...
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Geochemistry of Globigerina bulloides tests of sediment core M74/1b_944-6 (SL...
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Mg/Ca ratios and temperature from the planktonic foraminiferal species Globig...
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(Table 1) B/Ca ratios in planktonic foraminifera from core top sediments
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Stable istotopes (N. atlantica) and sea surface temperature of Site 162-984B
Laboratory: Leibniz-Laboratory, University of Kiel, Germany -
Neogloboquadrina atlantica Magnesium/Calcium ratio and SST values from ODP Ho...
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Foraminiferal carbon isotopes and Mg/Ca-based temperature records of sediment...
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Palynological counts (dinoflagellate cysts) and foraminiferal geochemistry (δ...
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Palynological counts (dinoflagellate cysts) and foraminiferal geochemistry (δ...
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(Table 1b) Isotope and Mg/Ca ratios of Globigerina bulloides, and dinoflagell...
DEPTH, sediment/rock [m] is given in mbsf. -
(Table 1a) Isotope and Mg/Ca ratios of Globigerina bulloides, and dinoflagell...
DEPTH, sediment/rock [m] is given in mbsf. -
(Figure 4b) Mg/Ca ratios of G. bulloides and derived sea surface temperatures...
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Stable oxygen isotope and Mg/Ca ratios of Globigerina bulloides in MIS 16 of ...
Sediment depth (m) is amcd. -
Relative abundances of dinoflagellate cysts in several IODP and DSDP holes
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Raw counts of dinoflagellate cysts in several IODP and DSDP holes
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Magnesium/Calcium ratios, sea surface temperature estimation and palynologica...
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Sea surface temperature (SST, annual mean) on Mg/Ca ratio of sediment core MD...
For measuring Mg/Ca-ratios monospecific samples of N.pachyderma sin were cleaned after the method of Barker et al (2003) and analyzed with a Varian Vista inductively coupled... -
Mg/Ca-derived temperatures, d18O, d13C and test mass of single tests of Globo...
Mg/Ca-derived temperature, Mg/Ca (also Sr/Ca, Mn/Ca, Fe/Ca, Al/Ca) d18O, d13C and test mass of single tests of Globorotalia inflata from 19 sediment depths from core GeoB7926-2... -
(Table 1) Mg/Ca paleotemperature estimates for ODP Sites 172-1055 and 172-1059
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Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Mg/Ca record for the surface-dwelling planktoni...
We generated a high-resolution SSTMg/Ca record for the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides from the core MD99-2346 collected in the Gulf of Lion, and...